our manifesto

We back you with
everything we’ve got

We’ve been where you are. In the early 2000s we spent most of our waking hours working with tech companies in San Francisco - helping them to build their products and grow their operations. And time and time again we hit the same issue and learned the same lesson: that scaling your engineering team at the pace you’re scaling your business is crazy-hard. And that new developers with dreamy skill sets and flawless discipline don’t just appear when you need them. Cue fist-shaking at the sky!

Everyone knows there are more product roadmaps out there than there is top dev talent, so naturally businesses look further afield. We saw the problems early. Engineering sweatshops flooded the space. Recruiters became ‘platforms’. Quality dropped. Communication frayed. And developers - they became a commodity. Somewhere along the way people forgot that exceptional software development, no matter how technical, still requires empathetic teamwork and strong personal relationships.

As all of this unraveled, we knew in our gut that we would do things differently.

We were looking for a partner and we found them in Sofomo. It was so refreshing to work with people so invested in what we were trying to achieve.

Jim Conning – VP Engineering, Dictionary.com

So here it is. We believe a true partnership is the only viable model for supporting ambitious clients with developer talent. That’s why it’s not just our engineers that join your team—our founding partners, Robert and Piotr do too. We’re available for your planning sessions and stand-ups. We join you from the very first call and help you plan for the future.

Resources expire, but relationships grow. By approaching your challenges properly as a team we can build better, bigger and faster. But most important of all, we’ll do things none of us could have done alone and have a lot more fun along the way. Less fist-shaking, more fist-bumps.

Peter signature

Founder & CEO

Peter signature
