Flutter SpecialistsFlutter Specialists
Flutter Specialists

The Flutter developers
you’re missing

Sofomo is your trusted Flutter Specialists development partner. Our tenacious Flutter developers will become part of your team, helping to solve every mobile challenge you throw at them.

Skills & Experience

Flutter & Mobile Technologies

Proficient in Flutter and broad mobile background in iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin).

A Portfolio of Successful Apps

A track record of building complex Flutter apps plus iOS and Android apps that have successfully launched in the iOS/Android app stores.

Advanced Flutter Feature Development

Experienced in all areas of Flutter development including API integrations, online payment processing, video & voice streaming.

Proven High Performers

Excellent problem-solving skills including solving technical mobile problems from simple MVC applications to the very complex.

What happens next

Get aligned

We evaluate your needs and agree exactly what skill sets are required

Meet your devs

We work with you to decide exactly which Flutter developers to bring in

Start the fun stuff

We embed our devs into your team so you can get going right away

sofomo Flutter Specialists success stories
Primex chooses Sofomo for Flutter devs
Connected Devices
Primex is a market leader in healthcare connected devices.
  • Cross-Platform: App Built a cross platform Flutter app from scratch. Supports Android, iOS and Web
  • Feature Development: Implemented numerous features including dashboards, charts and a complex app notification system that notifies users based on predefined sensor alerts.
  • Dependency Management: Used Riverpod for managing/providing dependencies, ChangeNotifier for controllers/viewmodels, Dio for rest api calls and various third party libraries for charts.
Mobile Stack
  • Flutter
  • Kotlin
  • Android
High Five

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Flutter Specialists
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